Ahad, 5 April 2009

A Friends :)

I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me; I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be;

I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day As you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way.

I'd like to do the big things and the splendid things for you, To brush the gray from out your skies and leave them only blue;

I'd like to say the kindly things that I so oft have heard, And feel that I could rouse your soul the way that mine you've stirred.

I'd like to give you back the joy that you have given me, Yet that were wishing you a need I hope will never be;

I'd like to make you feel as rich as I, who travel on Undaunted in the darkest hours with you to lean upon.

I'm wishing at this time that I could but repay A portion of the gladness that you've strewn along my way;
And could I have one wish this year, this only would it be: I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me.

Sabtu, 4 April 2009

exam! exam! exam!

wahai exam!
kenapa ngkau mst ada?!
wajibkan ngkau ada?!

wahai exam!
ngkau tahu, aku
amat membencimu!
tidak kutahu mengapa.
nk tahu mngapa??
kerana aku kurang pndai
utk mnjwbmu! :'(

wahai exam!
maaf jika aku membencimu
bkn slhmu. tetapi
ku tidak tahu salah siapa.kalau boleh
ku ingin bljr tnpamu.
tpi, hakikatnya ku tidak bisa :(

*nukilan sndirian berhad :))
hahaha! ;pp

Jumaat, 3 April 2009

sekoq minah

ada laaa sowg bdk niyh
nk kata dy lawa pon
mmg totally lawa arr
dah tu suka sgt dok prsan la pulak
aduhaiii!~ hampir nk terberak aku dgaq! :S

bdk ne mmg aku xska dri teun lps agy
patu msa teun ni ada satu cqita yg aku dqaqlaa
bdk ne smbang ngn symil
*dialog sndirian berhad bdsrkn yg ddgaq
bdk tu:weiy symil, aku mnx maap na sbb TERjeling kt ang
syamil:tapa aeh!

aduhaiii!~! nek mnyampahny aku dgaq!
weiyyy! tlg aku! nk tmuntah nieyy! jelik gile aku
dgaq! huhh!
sbb tu pon nk mnx maap
hey budak! boleh BELAH arr ko!
tawla lawa pon!
tpi ada ka owg ngorat ang?
ada sowg ckgu tu ja yg TERbekenan kt ang
haha! :DD

eiii!~ meluat gile bdk tu ;S